Pārliecināšanas mākslas 4 kursu komplekts

Parastā cena €59,00 Izpārdošanas cena €120,00

Vienības cena  


TED runu formāts ir kļuvis par kvalitātes standartu tam, ko mēs saprotam ar publisko runu. Tas ir viens no pievilcīgākajiem formātiem pasaulē, un ikdienu 2 miljonu TED runu tiek noskatītas video formātos. Kas ir šī formāta veiksmes atslēga?

vebināra programma

Lielie žanriskie virzieni


Describe the main features of your brand or products using a few lines of text along with images or icons.

runa kā koncepts


Describe the main features of your brand or products using a few lines of text along with images or icons.

Labākie ievadu piemēri TED runās


Describe the main features of your brand or products using a few lines of text along with images or icons.

Oriģinalitāte, lai atšķirtos


Describe the main features of your brand or products using a few lines of text along with images or icons.

dažu runu analīze


Describe the main features of your brand or products using a few lines of text along with images or icons.

runa kā izklaide


Describe the main features of your brand or products using a few lines of text along with images or icons.

Līdz 6 dec. 15 eur

Agro putnu cena

Describe the main features of your brand or products using a few lines of text along with images or icons.

no 8-26.dec 20 eur

pamata cena

Describe the main features of your brand or products using a few lines of text along with images or icons.

no 27.dec-5.janv 25eur

vēlo putnu cena

Describe the main features of your brand or products using a few lines of text along with images or icons.



Klātienes praktiskā darbnīca

Praktizējiet visus svarīgākos publiskās runas elementus sākot no neverbālās komunikācijas un struktūru veidošanas, līdz pat storytelling un uztraukuma kontrolei režisora Viestura Meikšāna vadībā.

Uzzināt vairāk

Age verification

By clicking enter you are verifying that you are old enough to consume alcohol.


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